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  • Giving the North East, Highlands and Islands the voice it has been sorely lacking at the very top of our party, and help to re-build us as a campaigning force across the region

  • Advocating for progressive policies to form our platform ahead of the next election

  • Ensuring transparency and accountability within the SEC

  • Advocating for inclusive representation within the SEC

  • Ensuring the voices of underrepresented groups are heard in our decision-making processes

  • Representing the voices of students by affiliating with the Scottish Labour Student’s Association

As the Scottish executive of the Labour party representing the North East of Scotland, Highlands, and the Islands, I will be working towards: 


Transparency and Accountability

To maintain transparency and accountability within the SEC, I propose to introduce a standardised form which assists reporting by all members of the SEC after each meeting. The standardised form will be produced with the aim to report information relating to: procedure, meeting minutes, and the decision making processes within the SEC.


I further propose a standardised method with a set timeline in place for the dissemination of these reports to the membership list. I will make all of my SEC reports available via social media, archive them on my website and distribute to all regional CLP secretaries.

Inclusive Representation

I am a big believer that diversity in representation is a key aspect of building strong and inclusive policies. There needs to be equity in power distribution. That is when we can have inclusive policy, which is beneficial for the growth of this country. If elected, I pledge to work towards reforming the SEC to create separate positions for BAME, Student, LGBT, and Disability representation within the SEC in line with the positions which exist on the National Executive Committee (NEC). I also propose the reaffiliation of Scottish Labour students Association with Scottish Labour.


Rural representation

I will work towards setting up a party-backed forum for rural CLPs that report directly back to the SEC, it will be a platform for rural areas to collaborate on their unique campaigning challenges and encourage focus on digital campaigning in these areas is a key part of the country we need to win votes and power at every level.

Building a Campaign force in the North East of Scotland Islands and Island

Re-building a campaign force in our region is the only way to win new support. I will work to ensure that Scottish Labour is not just Central Belt centric, but is also strongly present here in the North East, Highlands, and Islands. I will ensure that the party works harder to support the upcoming local government elections and other future elections in our region.  

Progressive Policy

Energy transition and investment in renewables in the region

I have been a long-term campaigner in the North East of Scotland. Investing in the energy transition journey towards a greener and a Net Zero Scotland while ensuring that the North East of Scotland remains as the energy capital of Europe is a top priority for the region. I will be a strong voice to ensure that North East will be at the heart of investments in renewable energy. We need to protect our workers, the only way this is possible is by creating more jobs in green energy. I will be advocating for more investment in domestic manufacturing of wind turbines as well as models of public and common ownership of renewable energy infrastructure

Public Health 

The past two years has been unprecedented for Public Health because of the coronavirus pandemic. The North East had already been widely impacted by the oil and gas crash and further exacerbated by Brexit and now the pandemic. We must prioritise our focus on tackling the broader Public Health and Economic implications of Covid for a faster and sustainable recovery. At the same time, recognising the issues that our communities were facing before the pandemic, such as the historically high waiting list times left in 2019 by the SNP Government.

Transforming Education 


During the pandemic we saw the value of adaptability to face difficult challenges. To truly support the next generation to thrive, we have to work towards transforming the way we educate our brightest young minds to shape the leaders of tomorrow. The current education system concentrates narrowly on academic outcomes while neglecting genuine learning and development. To get our next generation future ready it is essential that we encourage innovation, sustainability and co-creation by providing the knowledge, skills and tools needed, it is also essential that we train young minds to use IQ, emotional intelligence, and motivational intelligence to help them to lead and thrive in any industry including politics, entrepreneurship, and innovation. 

While we work on transforming education, it is essential to focus on tackling the current and long-term issues that young children may face due to implication of covid19. 



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